print publication


Health & fitness magazine

MBF - Magazine Stack (Hero Mobile)


MBF stands for Mind, Body and Fuel. It is a fictitious lifestyle magazine centered on health, fitness and nutrition. It focuses on the core idea that a fit healthy body comes from attaining inner balance, mindfulness, incorporating physical fitness, and fueling the body the right way. The requirements for this publication project was to come up with the cover design and two additional spreads. 


Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

MBF - Magazine Stack (Hero Desktop)

Chapter 01

A High-End Design With Modern Assets

The design of this fitness magazine is different from competitors such as Men’s Health, Shape, and Women’s Health just to name a few. In fact, what sets MBF apart is it’s luxurious feel, thicker paper stock and oversized dimensions making it more inline with high-end European and New York magazines. In order to target affluent health conscious readers, urban modern color and fonts are chosen. To reinforce the magazine’s concept of mindfulness and inner flow, artistic photo shoots and a minimalist layout are integrated.

01 — Font choices
Grotesque MT Regular
Regular Condensed
Light Condensed

Primary typeface that is best identified with this magazine. Used for subheads, body copy, citations, table of contents, page numbers and at times article titles.

Adobe Jenson Pro Bold

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890-@#$^&*!<>?

Bold / Italic

Secondary typeface used for main article titles, quotes, author recognition and decorative accents where needed.

Insignia STD Roman

An accent font used for the words: mind, body and fuel. It is seen in the main logo, cover page and in the folio.

02 — Color palette
Nuts & Oats


Nature Made




Fitness Fun


Chapter 02

Presenting The Gallery

MBF cover and table of contents
MBF table of contents
MBF feature article
lady holding MBF magazine

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